Welcome to the most trusted engineering college of Nagpur
About College
SPCE provides freedom of thought, speech & action for academic development. In short, there is GURUKUL culture at SPCE. The institution respects the concept of global citizenship in order to attract talent from every part of the world. SRCE follows the concept of Total Quality Management to achieve highest possible level of satisfaction for students and staff as well.
SRPCE is spread in 25 acres having built up area of more than 22000 square meter. The Institute building is constructed to accommodate the required facilities as per AICTE norms, such as central facilities, computerized central library, five computer labs having all 350 PC’s connected on LAN with internet facilities. The central facilities include Mechanical Laboratories, Class Rooms, Tutorial Rooms, Reading Room, Drawing Hall.
Administrative Office is well equipped with latest Aceounting and College Management Softwares, The institute has well furnished canteen, store room and cooperative store.
Institute Profile
Smt. Radhikatai Pandav College of Engineering was established in the year 1999. The mission of the institute is to provide world class engineers and Technocrats of high professional standard with human value and absolute discipline to serve the society with integrity at large having pride for our Nation. The institute is affiliated to the Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur.
#EngineeringCollegeInNagpur #PandavCollege
To create, Motivate and Develop trusted dynamic leaders of future by virtue of their Education at our Institute, through productive academic environment with transparency of thoughts to uphold the spirit of Professionalism in Engineering & Technical Education.
To provide world class Engineers and Technocrats of high professional standard with human values and absolute discipline to serve the Society with integrity at large having pride for our Nation.
Quality Policy
Quality policy of the Institute is to gain excellence in all the fields of Engineering education and to remain on top through the process of self- evaluation and continuous improvement.
Pandav College of Engineering - Approved by AICTE, Govt. of Maharashtra, D.T.E. Affiliated to RTMNU, Nagpur
Ranked 1st amongst the Top & Transparent Education Institiute 2022-23 | Best Engineering and Management Studies college in Nagpur
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